My mom has been lonely lately. She sees all five of her children at least once a week, some of them more, but she still gets lonely. Trapped inside that 78 year old body is a 22 year old girl trying to get out. She loves life. She loves people. She loves adventure. One day trapped in her house without something to do and no visitors means a day of gardening, or cleaning, or sorting. She loves to sort her stuff. Two days and she gets anxious with no contact. Papi's sitting in his chair putting together a puzzle. The dresser in his room is piled high with jigsaw puzzle boxes. But he doesn't count. He hasn't counted in ages. He's home and stays alone, maybe a little lonely, but she definitely gets lonely and needs to get away.
So I called her and asked if she wanted to keep me company while I ran errands the next day. When I awoke and the sun was shining. becoming a beautiful crisp November morning, I knew she would be pleased. I know I was.
I always drive a circuit. I plan my drive for minimum miles per gallon. I also pile my errands together to make sure the trip to one place will yield another place to stop. So if I go east, I visit every store that I usually frequent in that area.
First I take her to the a polish meat market, the only one left in the area. Been there forever. Yea, no line. We munch on samples of bratwurst, kielbasa and jerky. Meat is king! She wonders from one end of the store to the other munching on cajun and garlic roasted peanuts.
Then off to the italian meat market, the only one left in our area. She's amazed that so much can be packed into a small store. I buy fresh ricotta, freshly shredded mozzarella, and freshly ground parmesan. Cheese is king! I get a pepperoni and grab a dough out of the freezer. Guess what we are having tonight.
Oh, don't look at the cannoli. Back away, pretend it's not there. Don't buy a cannoli! Hey mom do you like cannoli? No sweetie, I don't. Thanks Ma.
Then off to the fabric store. I need some black satin to make black sashes for the upcoming black belt test. I love this store or any fabric store. Unfortunately they are going the way of the dinosaur. Even this store is a fabric slash craft store, but I'm grateful for any space in a store for fabrics. It will be a sorrowful day when I won't be able to see and feel all these lovely textiles.
The little woman is meandering around. I see her up an isle and I hurry to catch up to her. What the hey! She turned the corner and she was gone. I call her, Ma! She's two isles down and cruising in the direction of the call. But I've moved too, moving fast to head her off, but she'll already turned around and is out of sight. Ma! Now she's confused and heads left and down another isle. I hit the isle and again, What the hey. Where is she? I've got to stop calling out Ma.
I finally corner her and we're off to the bank. Then to the post office. By the way the Christmas stamps are in. Just saying. The post office was the only place where I encountered a line. So off she went to check out what's cool at the post office. She came and found me in line to tell me that a little old lady was coming in the door and that she was going to keep an eye on her. Oookay. I wondered what my 78 year old mother thought an old lady looked like, but I kept that to myself. Besides she moves like she's 60 and acts like she's 22. She helped me place a hundred postcard stamps on a hundred postcards, reminding me that we are so grateful that they are self stick.
Then off to the dentist's office to drop off a payment. She stayed in the car and was delighted that I put on the classical station for her. Throughout my circuit, I went down the less traveled roads or chose the roads where the scenery was pleasant. She always thought she was lost until she realized that the stores were on main roads. She was pleased. We were lucky and were serviced quickly at each location.
QueenMaker just walked in the room and looked at my post. What?! He started with the usual, people write way to much information on the web. You just told the everyone in the world how to track you down. There would be no way you could go into hiding if you wanted to, because you just told everyone you love to hang out in meat markets, that you need and love fabrics. When they come looking for you, they'll just stake out those places. Who knows what other info you've let out on the web... His voice is trailing off as he walks away. He's been reading 1984 lately, so excuse him.
But he is right.
Anyhoo. Mami and I were back by noon. I dropped her off at home and raced home to make dinner. We had a lovely morning. I felt very daughter-y.
Now go visit Keely our hostess for Random Thoughts Tuesday.
1 comment:
That sounds like an AWESOME random day to me! I think I love your mom!
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