Okie Dokie, here's the deal. I'm feeling rather yin and yang this week. The pendulum won't stop swinging.
My kid is all grown up and doesn't need me anymore. Ha! It's liberating and very, very disturbing at the same time. Bitter Sweet.
Our business is picking up lately but still on life support. The cart keeps coming around, but the business keeps picking up its head and proclaiming, "I'm not dead yet." Optimistic Realist.
My mom and dad are away for two months. I miss them but at the same time I'm feeling "guilty happy" because I've got more free time on my hands. Guilty Comfort.
My house needs a good cleaning, but I don't feel like doing it. But that little pan in the sink needs a good scouring. I think I'll spend 20 minutes brillo-ing all the dark spots off until it shines. Lazy Ambition.
I was all ready to participate in Earth Hour. The staunch conservationist and avid recycler in me was ready to turn off the lights. Then I got all militant on my ass and thought to hell with it. I'm not a joiner. I don't do causes. I stood there arguing with myself. What's up with that? Oh yeah. Menopause. Crystallized Moments of Confusion.
The gray at my temples is becoming too prominent. My sisters keep telling me to color my hair. But I don't want to bend to peer pressure or vanity. But I guess I'll do it anyways, because I do want to look a few years younger. Better to Look Good than to Feel Good.
It's been a weird week.