The two of us tooling down the road ready for high adventure, even if the adventure is just driving to the local fruit market. Always prepared, Queen Maker packs cold water and coffee. On longer excursions there are oranges, apples and sometimes trail mix and jerky. We bring our own coffee bean and coffee maker just to make sure we have an amble supply of the luscious brew.
The car is a comfortable traveling sanctuary. We talk and talk. We listen to great music. We munch and crunch all the way down the highway. Rarely does either one of us sleep on long road trips. We take turns pulling out our notebooks writing down our thoughts and ideas. We are quiet together too.
A car meant adventure. We're on the road and who knows what the road will bring. Adventure was possible. Yes there were flat tires. I cried when I locked the keys in the car at a Kentucky rest stop. Almost running out of gas. Bad hotels and even worse restaurants.
We once found the only restaurant in the Western Hemisphere that could make a breakfast taste awful. Before we went into the restaurant, I made the mistake of saying, "How can you ruin breakfast? It's just two eggs, potatoes, and toast." Well, it can be done.
But there were also the unexpected little restaurants with atmosphere and great food. Lovely evenings in our hotel room. The crowd that gathered at the rest stop to help sooth me and help retrieve my keys. The Michigan State Trooper who changed our tire for us. The massive brown eagle we saw on the road. The surprising rest stop with a path to two gorgeous waterfalls and a small box canyon.
A car meant freedom. When we borrowed our parents' car, we felt freedom for a few hours. And when we got older and could afford our own, freedom was complete.
A car is a time machine. Only Brother described the car as a time machine and I understood what he meant immediately. Queen Maker and I used to ride our bikes or walk everywhere. Distance didn't matter much to us. We rode our bikes miles and miles. We walked four miles a day to each other's house. A car was a time machine that gave you back minutes. It cut down travel time and returned them to you, allowing you to go further and get there faster.
So a rode trip is in our future. We haven't been on one for a long time. We were thinking about flying to our destination. An airplane might be the ultimate time machine but right now, it doesn't sound attractive at all.
So we will pack up our car with all the comforts of home, with the things we love to eat and hear and drink. We will listen to each other carefully. We'll marvel at the landscape. And the coffee will be flowing. We will enjoy each other's company and hold hands for miles and miles and miles.
I'm ready to go on a road trip now. Don't be surprised if you hear noises coming from the trunk of your car when your miles and miles from home. Just know when you finally stop to check it out, it'll be me holding out my coffee cup saying " Do you have any sugar to go with that coffee?"
I'm ready to go on a road trip now. Don't be surprised if you hear noises coming from the trunk of your car when your miles and miles from home. Just know when you finally stop to check it out, it'll be me holding out my coffee cup saying " Do you have any sugar to go with that coffee?"
Very lovely. How ironic that this was posted the very day I flew out of town. My trip was fun - but not as nice as what you described. Of course, traveling with only men has a unique ambiance.
Okay, I want to travel with you! I'll even bring my own mug!
I love road trips. I've driven across Canada three times now, and I'd do it again. Wait... I didn't have kids then. Let me rethink this.
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